Important Dates

 It is required to be a indivisual member of SPSJ to attend the meeting. Please become a member WEB or PDF, if you are not our member.
 But,If you visit Japan for this symposium, You do not need to become a member. At the time of registration please write so it.  

Registration for Speaker & Call for Papers

Term : 10:00 December 13 - 15:00 Januruary 10

Deadline for Payment : Januruary 30

Submission of Manuscript

Term : 10:00 February 14 - 15:00 March 2

Advance Registration for Audience

Term : 10:00 March 15 - April 27

Deadline for Payment : April 27

Preprints date of Issue

May 9, 2023 Preprints will be published

On site

May 24-26, 2023 72nd SPSJ Annual Meeting